5 Tips A Pediatric Physical Therapist Wants Every Parent To Know

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Baby Development has always been a beautiful and complex thing.

Following these 5 simple points can be key in guiding your baby to a stronger and healthier start.

  1. Babies are born to move! Movement is the key to learning and tummy time is the start of learning how to move. If your baby is healthy, tummy time is the best way to start strengthening all your child’s muscles. These are the muscles that help your child sit, stand, and walk. Start from Day 1!

  2. Tummy Time! Remember that baby’s are meant to move and tummy time is the key to moving. While supervised tummy time on a flat, firm surface is the best place, remember there are other ways to make sure your baby gets tummy time throughout the day like over your lap, on your chest, or carrying them on their tummy!

  3. Try your very best not to keep your baby in containers like bumbo seats, baby bouncers, jumpers and walkers! It is so easy to do, and there are times when you just have to use one like when you are tired and you just need 10 minutes to yourself or to even take a shower. Remember that this is time for you to take a break not for your little one. Your baby is missing out on important steps in their development if they are always placed in a container.

  4. Every Position Is Valuable. Place your baby in all positions to get them experience to move! Try rolling them on their side, play with them on their back (not all back time is bad! Encourage them to grab their feet to work their baby abs), sitting with you, and standing with your support. All positions teach your baby to work their muscles differently.

  5. Make a schedule! All of this can seem overwhelming so get the whole family and care team involved! Raising a child take a village. You are not alone. Remember to get every one of your caregivers including daycare or family members to make sure they give your baby time to explore and move!

Healthy babies and children are generally so tough and resilient. They need to learn from these early sensory experiences to discover themselves and the world around them! Remember that it is ok to give them those experiences!

Most importantly, remember to never be embarrassed to seek help if you are concerned about your baby’s development or their health. Most of the time, all a Mom needs is some reassurance from a qualified professional, but always remember, you cannot beat a Mother’s instinct. Your baby is the most important person in your life, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health and safety of your child.

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Tummy Time - The Basics